Wednesday 3 April 2013

Badshahi Masjid

Well I am writing this article specially for my foreigner bodies. As we all have visited Badshahi Masjid so it is not necessary for me to tell you about its location or any unnecessary details.
I will write all those details which a lot of Pakistanis don't know.
So here we go.
Badshahi Masjid or Royal Mosque is one of the Lahore's best known landmarks and a major tourist attraction located in the heart of Lahore. The Badshahi Masjid is the largest mosque in the world of its own kind. It has no parallel in beauty and elegance. There is no doubt that the Aurangzeb was well-known for his piety, was fulfilling an urge in order to pay the most impressive tribute to ALLAH in the form of a grand Badshahi masjid; which was made after taking inspiration from the Jamia Mosques of Delhi and Agra. Mosque is even more massive than those mosques.
About the entrance of mosque that we see today wasn't a part of original mosque which was built in 1671.

The Government of Pakistan established a small museum inside the Main Gateway Entrance of the Mosque. It contains relics of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) , his cousin Hazrat Ali and his daughter Hazrat Fatima. Some other relics are also present related to Hazrat Imam Husain etc

Badshahi Masjid is capable of 5,000 worshipers in its main prayer hall and a further 95,000 in its courtyard and porticoes. An interesting fact is that it remained the largest mosque in the world for about 313 years which is quite a lot of time.

Just to give you the idea of its size these are some fun facts:
* The four minarets of Badshahi Masjid are 4.2m taller than those of the Taj Mahal.
* The main platform of Taj Mahal can fit inside the courtyard of Badshahi Mosque.
* It has the largest courtyard in the world.
* Badshahi Masjid is the second largest mosque of South Asia next to Faisal Mosque which is also in Pakistan.
* It is also the fifth Largest mosque of the world.

As I said earlier this mosque was made after taking inspiration from the Jamia masjid of Delhi and Agra thats why it has close resemblance with them.
Badshahi Masjid's main prayer hall is the most beautiful place of the whole mosque.
Its design was inspired by Islamic, Persian, Central Asian and Indian influences.

The interior of the Main prayer Hall is richly embellished with stucco tracery, fresco work and inlaid marble.

The detailed work is one of the most beautiful and preserved works I have ever seen anywhere.

The exterior is decorated with stone carving as well as marble inlay in red sandstone, specially of lotiform motifs in bold releif.

Detail of white marble inlay in red sandstone.

Hope you people liked this article. I liked this trip a lot.
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