Wednesday 22 May 2013

Sharing some of my work

Today I wanted to share some of the random pictures from my collection. There are times when you capture some of the most beautiful pictures. During my travelling and routine life I have captured hundreds of pictures. Some of them I share with you in my posts but there are some pictures which are not related to that particular article and I love those pictures. So today I wanted to share some of those pictures with you.
One day I was having a breakfast in a restaurant and I captured one of the most beautiful and amazing picture I have ever taken. Beautiful, isn't it ?

While I was in the Tomb of Jahangir and I was going up the minaret I captured this pic. I don't know why but I like this picture.

I took this next picture on the mall road of Murree.
Sometimes there are little things which seems to be unimportant at that particular time but when you think about them later you realize how they those little things add to the beauty of that whole scenery and how much those little things are important.

I took these pictures on the Fort road Food Street. I always look at these pictures and admire all the minor details of these pictures.

And there are some pictures are just amazing.

I would love to end this post with this flower :)
This flower is for everybody who read this post.


  1. wah, really amazing.. its like i am traveling instead of you, and those stairs of jahngir tomb, very attracting, keep it up buddy...

  2. You have quite the eye A Long, and I just love the Pussy Cat - reminds me of my Tigger ;-)

  3. superb........:) awesome......:)

  4. Ansab, great images! I like the Tomb of Jahangir photo because of the shades of color and the lighting in the photo. moving from shadow into light and the silhouette of the stairwell rising.

    1. thanks
      you noticed that detail
      you certainly know about photography :)

  5. Sorry for the mix-up of names Ansab, seem to be doing it a lot lately ;-)


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